El periódico The Guardian investigó todos los comentarios de su web desde 2006 y descubrió que de las 10 personas más atacadas en ellos, 8 eran mujeres y 2, negros.
El artículo confirma algo que las periodistas sospechan hace tiempo: que los artículos firmados por mujeres atraen más trolls y ataques que los que están firmados por hombres, independientemente del tema de la noticia.
New research into our own comment threads provides the first quantitative evidence for what female journalists have long suspected: that articles written by women attract more abuse and dismissive trolling than those written by men, regardless of what the article is about.
Although the majority of our regular opinion writers are white men, we found that those who experienced the highest levels of abuse and dismissive trolling were not. The 10 regular writers who got the most abuse were eight women (four white and four non-white) and two black men. Two of the women and one of the men were gay. And of the eight women in the “top 10”, one was Muslim and one Jewish.
And the 10 regular writers who got the least abuse? All men.
Puedes leer el artículo aquí.